One by One Upendo Women Group

This Group was formally registered in July 2017 and operates in Teso North Sub-County of Busia County. The Group currently has thirteen (13) active members.

The Group is overseen and managed by two fistula survivors as Regional Representatives: Perpetua Mulunda and Tabitha Papa Emedel; together with the Group Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. 

Table Banking

This has managed to accumulate a total of Kshs. 60,000 that is in circulation. This is loaned to members to help them manage their IGAs.

Goat and Sheep Rearing

The Group has managed to give the members given either a goat or sheep depending on their weather conditions. 2 members have goats while 9 have sheep. This was done through the seed fund provided by LEFI.

Dairy farming

The members currently have a total of 6 cows which is in line with helping members become financially self-sufficient. 78,00 from their saving was used to purchase the cows for six members.


The Group has managed to save a total of Kshs. 85,000 in the Group Bank account. This is part of the efforts to help members improve their saving habits.

Individual Member Activities

Small scale Businesses and Farming - Most of the members engage in small scale businesses and farming activities as a way of supplementing their household incomes.
Poultry Farming – The Group gave members chicken to rear themselves. They shared a total of 216 birds with 10 members getting 18 while 3 members got 12 each. The main challenge is the cold weather conditions which negatively affect the rearing process.

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