Anjego Solidarity Women Group

The Group is registered and formally operates in Suna East Sub County in Migori County and currently has fourteen (14) active members. It was registered in July 2017 and commenced operations shortly thereafter.
This Group is unique to LEFI in that, it is in the County where the first fistula patient was traced by the LEFI Executive Director. She has lived with fistula for a record forty three (43) years, an extremely long time being in that state of helplessness.
The Group is overseen by our very versatile Regional Representative Teresa Adamba, together with the Group leaders including the chairperson, secretary and treasurer.
Table Banking
This project has currently accumulated a total of Kshs. 218,300 and this is circulating among members in form of loans to support their IGAs.
Goat Rearing
The Group managed to give the members a goat each using their seed fund from LEFI and currently have a total of 27 goats.
The Group has managed to accumulate a total of Kshs. 10,000 which represents the Group Savings. This is in recognition that there is a need to save for the future and enhance the Groups sustainability
The Group runs a welfare kitty to support their members in times of adversity and they have a total of Kshs. 6,800 and growing steadily.
Individual Member Activities
• Farming activities to supplement their earnings to support their families.
• Small scale businesses supported through their table banking project.